Tag Archives: myths

Five Big Myths About Women, Debunked!

1. Women don’t like or enjoy sex as much as you do. Is there anyone who still believes this? Read an issue of Cosmopolitan or watch an episode of Sex and the City, and you’ll know what’s up. When you’re fighting hard for that tiny little bang (which is supposed to be your orgasm) while your girl has just gone off for the third time in a row, it makes you wonder who really enjoys sex more, right? Whenever you go out, keep this in mind: The […]

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Dating Myths For Men

To a Man Who Wants To Attract More Women and Get More Dates — But Can’t Get Started – First – Learn the Truth About These Myths! How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: “I Wish I Knew How To attract the ladies and get more dates”? If you’re like most of the guys I know, it’s often. More often than you want to admit. We go out on “dates” with women, hoping that if we PROVE ourselves to them in some way, they’ll be interested in […]

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