Author Archives: Dale

Seduce Women In A Snap

Getting a girl can be very challenging in todays highly competitive dating world, even if you are a great guy. My article will show you tips and advices that will definitly help you get your dreamed date. A lot of men have trouble flirting with women. They do not understand the subtle ways in which they can build attraction and convey their interest in a woman. However to be successful at seducing women mastering flirting skills is absolutely essential. I remember when I first learned some of […]

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What NOT To Do On A First Date!

Some conversation don’ts are obvious. But the more subtle ones can get you in trouble, so follow this advice… I once went on a first (and last) date with a guy who broke the ice by telling me that he had been married three times, kept getting hurt and used by all, and was still living with his ex! There was more – something about a scheme to ensure that he gets the whole matrimonial property – but I was hardly listening by that point. All I […]

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How Men Make Mistakes Buying Gifts

I recently received a question that bears discussion: “What types of presents should be given at the beginning of a relationship that the man hopes to be a serious, lasting love? (and what not to give!)” Generally speaking, a man should not give ANY gifts for the first few two or three dates. Most guys tend toward “buy her affections” behavior, where they try to lock women into an implied commitment by buying gifts for her far too soon. What this really does is scare women off. […]

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Five Big Myths About Women, Debunked!

1. Women don’t like or enjoy sex as much as you do. Is there anyone who still believes this? Read an issue of Cosmopolitan or watch an episode of Sex and the City, and you’ll know what’s up. When you’re fighting hard for that tiny little bang (which is supposed to be your orgasm) while your girl has just gone off for the third time in a row, it makes you wonder who really enjoys sex more, right? Whenever you go out, keep this in mind: The […]

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Dating Myths For Men

To a Man Who Wants To Attract More Women and Get More Dates — But Can’t Get Started – First – Learn the Truth About These Myths! How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: “I Wish I Knew How To attract the ladies and get more dates”? If you’re like most of the guys I know, it’s often. More often than you want to admit. We go out on “dates” with women, hoping that if we PROVE ourselves to them in some way, they’ll be interested in […]

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Dating Advice For Men, An Essential Guide

When it comes to dating, it’s not just the women who worry about, will he like me, will we get on, what shall I wear etc etc. In actual fact, most man go through all the above fears just like women do. It would be nice if we could read just one book or article and know everything we need to know about women, relationships and dating. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. The best dating advice often seems to come from people who have been in […]

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Dating Advice, You Have To Make A Woman Feel Attracted

You can buy a woman flowers for the next ten years and it won’t matter unless you make her FEEL an attraction to you. Women don’t care how things work; they care how things make them feel. In all of the romance novels and soap operas women have been devouring since they were kids, the leading males are always untamable, strong men who sweep women off their feet. This is the quality that many “jerks” have. Women don’t like the fact that the guy is actually a […]

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What Am I Doing Wrong In Relationships

They say breaking up is hard to do. Break-ups are very common in fact sadly enough, it happens to everyone at some point in time. For many women, relationships coming to an end are hard due to lack of closure. So very often, they are left wondering what they did wrong. While I can’t be a miracle worker this area I can provide some very common mistakes that women tend to make. It’s not complete, but it’s definitely a good insight. Continue to read and evaluate how […]

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Dating Advice for Men

How to have an impressive date with a woman Asking her for a date Before asking her out for a date, try to have some conversation together. This will be an opportunity for you to discover if your personalities and ideas are attuned with each other, before you do decide to ask her out for a date. When calling through the phone. Don’t forget to mention to her the conversations you had. This will give her the impression that you do listen, making her feel important. Then […]

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Five Tips for Your First Date

Let’s face it… first dates are tough and the majority will end before they even really start. Here is a list the five most important things both men and women should keep in mind. A first date is simply two people getting together to find out more about each other…its an interview where you determine if the other person will be a good fit for you. Many of these things may seem like common sense but you will be surprised with the things some people are capable […]

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